EP 7: How to Argue / Fight in Japanese
Japanese Phrases for scolding / arguing / getting angry with someone.
Strange topic, I know - But its interesting! Today I want to look at some basic words/phrases in Japanese to have a fight / get angry with someone.
Disclaimer: Japanese is a beautiful language and most Japanese people I know are very calm and decent. So most likely you will never need them.
Phrase 1: Stop / Quit - yameru - やめる
If you want someone to stop / quit what they are doing because its annoying , you can use the verb - yameru (やめる).
Some variations:
Yamete Kudasai (やめてください)- Please stop! [Polite way to ask someone to stop]
Yamenasai (やめなさい)ー you need to stop! [This is strong and commanding]
Yamete (やめて)ーJust stop! (a bit feminine/girly. mostly used by women)
Yamero (やめろ)ー Just stop! (Masculine version of Yamete)
Yamenka!!(やめんか)ー You better stop!(Very commanding)
Phrase 2:Maji de (まじで)- Seriously?
This can be useful in a situation where you probably don’t believe or agree with what you have been told. So your response to the person is “Seriously?” (Maji de?)
The word maji comes from “majime” which means seriousness.
Maji Kayo - まじかよーYou’ve got to be kidding me.
Phrase 3: Baka - (ばか)- Stupid
You can use it just as a single word “baka” / stupid. Or you can make some simple sentences like:
baka mitai - ばかみたい ー It sounds / looks stupid!
Baka ja naino ー ばかじゃないの - Do you know how stupid you sound/look?
Phrase 4: Muka-tsu-ku (むかつく)- I am Angry/ I am upset
If you are feeling angry or upset, mukatsuku would be a god way to describe that feeling.
Phase 5: Ira Ira Suru (いらいらする)- I am frustrated / irritated.
If you are ever agitated or frustrated by someone or a situation you could use this phase.
Phrase 6: Ii kagen ni Shinnasai (いい加減いしなさい)- That’s enough
It can also mean “act properly! / “Grow up!
Phrase 7: Hara ga tatsu (腹が立つ)- I am irritated / I am Angry.
Phrase 8: Atama ni kuru (あたまにくる) - I am loosing my temper
Atama ni Kita(あたまにきた)ーI have lost my temper. One thing to note about this phrase is used when you are telling someone (non culprit) that you are angry about someone else and loosing your temper.
Phrase 9: Mattaku - まったく - “damn it” / “Jeez”
This could be used to show a slight irritation.
Phrase 10: Damare - だまれー Shut up!
Phase 11: Uso Yamete! - うそやめて- Stop lying, cut the crap!
Phase 12: Hai hai - はいはいー Okey okey!
Apparently saying Hai twice is a rude behaviour (I had no idea..). It’s like mocking someone with double ok.
Phase 13: Nani nani! Itte yo! ーなになに!言ってよ!ーWhat! Spit it out!
See you tomorrow!